Page name: Coexistence RPG Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-26 19:45:44
Last author: Pandora♥xcore
Owner: Pandora♥xcore
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2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she spits out some water* "Thanks for the wakeup Liem...." *she glared at her, but then laughed*

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: Keliest layed by the burnt wood from the fire, staring up at the sky, not saying a word

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *chuckles a bit* :)

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Goodmorning," she said smiling.

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: He looked over at her and smiled lightly." good morning."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she tilted her head to the side frowning* "Something the matter?"

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: He shook his head as he stood up." No. But I must be going. It was nice meeting you." Hesaid as he turned from her, placing his sword in it's holder on his back

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Oh...yea, you too. Bye."

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: She trotted over to Keliest and slowed to a walk beside him. "Where is it you're heading to?"

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: He didn't look at her." I don't know. Somewhere."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she caught up with them* "Weel, why don't you stay with us?"

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: "I'm sorry. I don't like company. I helped with the demon slay, now I must be off."

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem stood and watched him walk away, then looked at Lukia, puzzled.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Ok, suit yourself.' *she turned around and started walking back* "You comming Liem?"

2006-05-26 [Kaos101]: He sighed." if you find youself in danger, you just might find me around again quite soon."

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem stared back at Keliest for a second, then sighed and turned around. "Im coming."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Well, ok then." *she smiled* "Hope to see you again soon."

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *smiles at him* "Yup^_^."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she walks back and sits on the ground sighing*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem walked over to Lukia. "Im going to go flying, care to join me?^_^" She said with a grin, wanting to cheer her up.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she smiled* "Nah, i'm good. I think i'm gonna go out and do a bit of training or something. Thanks though."

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "Are you sure? just like old times:)."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she fingered the end of the knife on her belt* "Well, I guess missing one day of training wouldn't case any harm," she said smiling slightly.

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem smiled and put her wing down to let Lukia hop on her back.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she climbed onto her back and held on tighty*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem swung around and started running, with both wings sprawled out, flapping excitedly a bit. She was running straight toward a large drop in the mountains they were on and felt Lukia clutch her neck tightly. "Hold on!" she yelled and took off of the cliff, soaring through the air a mile above sea level.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she closed her eyes and smiling, enjoying the wind blowing through her hair*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: She continued flying rather fast, and they came across a small village on the ground. The people in it looked up alarmed and started talking loudly. " you think they're nice?" she spoke loudly to Lukia over the wind.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Dunno...mind letting me down so I can check out all to commotion?"

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "Sure thing^^." She lands somewhat near the people but doesn't leave.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she jumps down of Liem's back and slowly walks towards the people*

2006-05-26 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem saw a tribal tatoo for dragon slayers on each of their shoulders. "Lukia stop! I just realized they're not nice people!><" She yelled. The people grabbed their spears and came toward Lukia and Liem.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Ha! Yea right Liem, why run away when I can fight!" *She drew her knife from it's sheath, going after the people.*

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *She began slicing arm, throats, whatever came in her way. Soon all the slayers were lyinf dead in pools of blood. She smirked* "Now that was fun...guess I got my training in afterall..."

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma was running through the woods jumping from tree to tree. He came upon a small village filled with dead bodies laying in pools of blood. "What the hell happened here?" He wall ran across a couple walls in the village then went into the village center.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she spoted someone out of the corner of her eye and turned around knife clutched in hand* "Who are you?"

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: "I am Hotsuma Oboro." He bowed. "And who are you?"

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she sheathed her knife* "Lukia Seras." *she smiled*

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: He looked around. "what happened here?"

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Dragon slayers. They came after Liem and I." *she pointd over to the dragon in the distance*

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: "Hmmm I see......"He walked around for a bit. A few minutes later his sword started to glow red and it flew from the sheath on his back. "Damn it!!"He ran up a tree and did a backflip off of it landing behind the sword and he grabbed the hilt. It flung him around until he let go and he grabbed the blade on accident and some of his soul was sucked out. He fell to one knee and stabed the sword into the ground next to him. "Damn sword..." He raised it over the dead bodies and all their evil and hatered came out in a cloud of red smoke and was sucked into his blade.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *Stares and grins* "That's a pretty amazing sword you got there."

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: "Thanks...I don't like it so much at times but it is the only thing left i have from my clan so i always keep it with me."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Well that's cool." *her hands were sticky from all the blood. She was tempted to lick it off, but she wiped it off on the grass instead*

2006-05-26 [GlassCasket]: "Well i must be off I do hope we meet again though."((seriously g2g bye now))

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Yea, me too. See ya around." (ok byebyes)

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: Violet walks down a path in the woods, refusing to admit that she is lost, and refuses to ask for directions. Convinces herself that it will lead to village and just keeps walking down the path.

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *While walking back to Liem, Lukis spots the young girl looking around with a confused and worried look on her face. "Bet she's lost..." *Lukia walks towards the girl* "Hey! You lost or something/ Need some help?"

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: Jumps back a little from suprise and looks the the woman that is standing there. Then shakes her head stubbornly. "No, I'm not lost! i never get lost! I mean, you just follow this path and go back home, that's what I always do..."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Follow this path?" *she chuckled a bit* Well you could, but you'd only come oout to the dragon slayers village and see a not so pretty sight of dead corpses. But...suit yourself."

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: "no.. this path leads to home... theres a fork in the road that takes me home..." Looks down the path suspiciously "I don't really need help though... i think.. um... yeah... your not a bounty hunter are you?"

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *laughs* "Yea right. I'm just a mere vampire only seeking out power. Be damned if i'd be a bounty hunter."

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: Sighs in relief. "Oh thank god. Sorry if i was rude earlier, i don't want it to be too obvios that I'm not from around here."

2006-05-26 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she smiled* "No problem. I'm not really from around here eitther...just traveling around..."

2006-05-26 [une histoire d'amour]: Smiles. "Really? Where are you from? Oh... and I'm Violet by the way..." Hold out her hand for her to shake.

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she shakes her hand* "Niceta meetcha. I'm Lukia Seras. Well, i'm not really from anywhere...just a traveler, i've been going place to place every since I was 5 years old."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Shakes her hand and bows "Its really nice to finally meet someone! I haven't had friends in a long time. Iv'e been travelin since i was ten."

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem walked over to Lukia and Violet. Her great head lowered to the ground, in front of Violet. "Hi there. Im Liem^_^."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Jumps back in suprise. (people poppin out of nowhere geez!) Smiles and bows. "Hello Liem, I'm Violet..."

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (lol) "Don't worry, no need to be afraid. She's a big softy!"

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: "A softy?"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem bowed her head slightly at Violet and smiled.

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Smiles. "So where do you come from?"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "I come from the Arctic. I'm looking for more the other Arctic dragons were poached by dragon slayers for the feathers on our wings." She looked rather sad, "I haven't seen another of my kind in years. You wouldn't happen to have seen any dragons lately, have you?"

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Shakes head sadly. "I'm sorry...."

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: For a second she had a hurt look on her face, but quickly covered it up with a smile. "Thats okay^_^. So, what's your story?"

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Well remember Spike has seen a dragon, so maybe we will see it eventually." *she smiled at her reasurringly*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: "oh... I'm just a demon wandering around... nothing special. And you know, there are dragon hunters around here, so theres got to be a dragon right?"

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Well i've taken care of that village of them over there. But there are still more out there..."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: "Well I've never seen a dragon before... So there shouldn't be any in the village that way." *points down the road from where she came*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: "yeah! maybe they are all in a group! WAiting for oyu to find them!"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *looks the other way and stares at the sky*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Wonder if she said something wrong.

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Don't worry Liem, I help you find some dragons."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: ... "yeah! i'll help too!" Smiles kindly in hopes to cheer her up.

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: She smiled at them both. "Thanks. You guys are so helpful^_^."

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: "No problem. You know i'd help you, you've been one of my best friends forever."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Smiles and looks at the sky.

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: "So you wonna get going?"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "I know:). Same to you, my friend."

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "Sure thing! Care for a ride anyone?" *lowers her wings*

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (snarfs haha ride XD) "Thanks." *she climbs up on Liems back and holds out a hand to help Viloet up*

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (haha, and I dont know why, but your last comment beck reminded me of when we climbed that cave and I almost died..HAR!) Violet climbed onto Liem's back and Liem took off with them, soaring across the mountains.

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: dh held her sphere at her side and jumped from tree to tree looking for something

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem landed in a clearing and let Lukia and Violet hop off her back. She spotted Namida in the trees and curiously walked over. "Hello Namida!^_^"

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: she jumped and stumbled landing on the ground. she looked back at her ".....hi...."

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem's ears went back and she felt bad. "...Sorry-_-'"

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: her eat twitched "its just not used to being followed or sneaked up on"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "'s the magic coming along?"

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: she blinked a couple of times and did the orb thing again. it went alot faster and made the dagger more sturdier "better"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: She stepped back a bit but smiled. "Looks great:)."

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: "and i know how to turn it into a bigger, more stronger sword as well as just make them"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "I don't like messing around with shadow magic that could result bad, I do believe."

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: "you just have to have a clear mind and great concentration if you dont stuff will result ive never had it happen to me but ive seen it happen"

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (God damned im tired -_-) *she walked around a bit, checking out the surroundings*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Violet sits on the ground. "So where are we? exactly..."

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem looked around a bit. "...No idea-_-'."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: "oh... well thats nice to know... but why are we here?" Looks around curiously. (roshi didnt serve peanuts on the flight? XD lol jk jk)

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (lmao! >< Nooo she was too busy serving cottage CHEESE! ^.^) "Well, Im not sure what they're here for. Im here to make new friends and find new dragons^_^." She said with a grin.

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Smiles. "looks like we have similar goals then! I'd like to make friends too!" (oh yeah. cottage cheese... with crackers! ooh... *drools*)

2006-05-27 [Sky Chord]: sleeps in a tree (..........GIMMIE!)

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: Violet doesn't notice the sleeping man in a tree. "So where do we go from here? left? right? up or down?" (nuh nuh! my crackers! *hiss*)

2006-05-27 [Sky Chord]: (..............*crys*) he woke up staring at a branch

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (lmao!) "Well hopefully we'll find someone around here..." *she blushed and looked away*

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: (erm... why are you blushing? 0.o god i know im sxy but contain yourself! XD lol jk jk) Looks around. "Hello! Anyone there?"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (*cracks up at camilles comment xD) Looks up in the tree.."Hi Spike^_^."

2006-05-27 [Sky Chord]: ((XD WOAH)) falls out "hi......." is upside down

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (not you -_- *curses under breath* )

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: "EEK!" Hides behind Liem.

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Looks at him. "Sorry-_-'"

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Hi Spike."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: (then who are you blushing at?) Peeks behind Liem. "H-he popped ot of nowhere!"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Looks at Violet and chuckles. "It's okay xD"

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (When you said I hope we find someone I was thinking of someone! ><) "No need to be afraid."

2006-05-27 [Sky Chord]: gets up and yawns "not your fault! it happens" cough "alot.."

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: (oh O.O wow im slow! ^-^) walks towards him. "H-hi I'm Violet.."

2006-05-27 [Pandora♥xcore]: (and you tell me to control my hormones? -_-) "What's up Spike?"

2006-05-27 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: -_-

2006-05-27 [une histoire d'amour]: (lmao! XD i cant help it! im just a bad ass >.>)

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: (wow.....) she went to the lake and jumped in

2006-05-27 [Kaos101]: Was Walking nearby

2006-05-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: she kept swimming deeper ~if i power it with my own blood then it may trigger a not sure....~

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: Violet lays down on the ground and watches the sky turn to night

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: she came back up and rung out her hair

2006-05-28 [Sky Chord]: he smiled "i like that name.........violet......"

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: she picked up her weapon ~should i start with this...or should i continue with the shaodw daggers?~

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: She looked at him strangely. "Um.. thank you?"

2006-05-28 [Sky Chord]: laughs a little "sorry my moms name was violet

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: she made a bunch of ehr shadow daggers "this is becoming too easy..."

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: "Oh really? Thats awsome!"

2006-05-28 [Sky Chord]: smiles "weird"

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: Smiles back "Why is it weird? Do you think I'm your mother?"

2006-05-28 [Sky Chord]: laughs "No!"

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: "well thats good because you're probably older than me anyways!"

2006-05-28 [Sky Chord]: laughs "if you were my mother you would be baking cookies

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: "Who says i don't bake cookies?"

2006-05-28 [Sky Chord]: stops "........" laughs "dont worry"

2006-05-28 [une histoire d'amour]: Stares at him "Worry about what?"

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: she made the daggers disappear "meh..."

2006-05-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem walked over. "Hi everyone:)."

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: she looked back at her and waved

2006-05-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: she smiled at her and limped over toward a water whole, wincing a bit in pain.

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: she watched her movements ".....exactly what happened?"

2006-05-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: takes a quick drink, lifts her head, and looks over at her. "um...I just stepped on a thorn that I cant get out-_-. There weren't thorns in the's nothing really."

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: "and where exactly is this...'thorn'....of yours?"

2006-05-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *shows her a large red thorn petruding from the bottom of her foot*

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: "good god why dont you pull it out"

2006-05-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *puts her hand pack down* "I tried to. It's stuck under my scale."

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: "well then here" she put her hand on the thorn as shadows surrounded it decenterating it

2006-05-28 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: she watched the thorn dissappear and felt relieved. "..Thanks:)."

2006-05-28 [My Sky's The Limit]: "no problem" she wrapped her foot up in some cloth to stop the bleeding "it'll bleed like crazy for a while..."

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: *Lukia walks up to them* "Hey guys..."

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: she twitched her ear "hey...your friend here decided to step on a thorn...." she finished wrapping it up and stood

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: *shakes her head* "Only you Liem XD."

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: she laughed a little "well...she should be fine...she just shouldnt put alot of pressure on it is all.."

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Yea..."

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: she sighed "i sound like a mother"

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Well, it's ok, it just shows that you care..." *she smiled a bit looking dwn at the ground*

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: she picked up her weapon and rested it on her shoulder thinking

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she leaned up against a tree sighing andclosing her eyes. Her thoughts concentration on someone.* "So, what's up?" *her eyes still closed*

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: she looked at her out of the corner of her eye "just figuring out ways to power my shadow daggers

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Oh, lemme know if you need help anytime. I'll be more than glad to help out." (gonna go now byebyes all)

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: [bhy bhy <3 u ^^] she nodded slightly

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: (lol <3 you too)

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: (hi everyone back! ^^) "Well, anyone want to go somewhere? I'm pretty much bored."

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem limped over. "Sure^_^. Where to?"

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Oh, yea. I forgot about your foot...maybe it isn't such a good idea."

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: "Ah, Ill be fine." She heard a dragon roar in the distance and immediately turned her head in the direction.

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: "Thinking what i'm thinking?" *she grinned at her*

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *she grinned back and lied her wings across the ground*

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: *she hopped up on her back and held on tight*

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: As if the pain had dissappeared in her foot, she took off full speed and leaped off the cliff toward the other dragon, which she saw flying through the air ahead of them. (umm wait, we dont have anyone to play as the dragon, do we-_-.)

2006-05-29 [Pandora♥xcore]: (it's ok, someone can play 2 characters for the time being)

2006-05-29 [une histoire d'amour]: (im confused O.O)

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (okay^^. -_-' cammy you're always confused...Welcome to my world!^_^)

2006-05-29 [une histoire d'amour]: (gee thanks alot -_-)

2006-05-29 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (jk!^^ *glomp*)

2006-05-29 [une histoire d'amour]: (hugs*)

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: (well ive always role played as whoever brought in the dragons plays the dragons and in this case Roshi has to play both XD)

2006-05-29 [une histoire d'amour]: (wow mulittasking.. roshi you think you can do it?)

2006-05-29 [My Sky's The Limit]: (its accually quite easy) she stood on the edge of the cliff watching ~cant do much from over here..~

2006-05-30 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: (chh, ya. im a MASTER at multitasking...>.>..)

2006-05-30 [My Sky's The Limit]: (dude i love to multitask)

2006-05-30 [une histoire d'amour]: (good for you XD)

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: (oooook back to the rp ^^)

2006-05-31 [une histoire d'amour]: Walks along the path, wondering if the others will follow her.

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: she walked away from the cliff "cant im no use..."

2006-05-31 [une histoire d'amour]: Sees someone on top of the cliff "she's.. shes gonna jump!" Races towards her

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: see's her running toward her and jumps up in a nearby tree "im not stupid im not suicidal"

2006-05-31 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem lost sight of the dragon, called out to it a couple times, but eventually gave up and landed near violet and namida. She folded her wings and walked over to them a bit sadly, "Hey guys."

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: she jumped odwn beside her "hey....that psycho thought i was gonna jump off the cliff,....."

2006-05-31 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: *laughs* ... "were you? o.o"

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: "no...i have no reason to..."

2006-05-31 [une histoire d'amour]: YO! ><

2006-05-31 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: She flapped her wings once and smiled. "Okay^_^."

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: she twitched her ears and jumped back into the tree. she scanned the area then jumped from tree to tree

2006-05-31 [TIDES WILL TURN;]: Liem caught sight from a waterwhole. "Man, it's hot." She said while walking toward it.

2006-05-31 [My Sky's The Limit]: she stopped above whatever she was following watching it with a careful eye

2006-06-02 [Allison.]: ((wtf happened))

2006-06-02 [une histoire d'amour]: (dont ask me!)

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